In light of the current Coronavirus pandemic, please note the following with regards to our operating procedures:
Masks are compulsory at all times while on the property. They need to remain on during the ride to protect our guides and yourself and need to be worn correctly (over nose and mouth)
Bookings need to be made by 10h00 for the following day, starting at 10h00 for a 90 minute ride. We will not be doing our 3 hour rides as wine tasting on site is not permitted at this stage.
We have a foot operated hand sanitizing station on site and all guests are required to sanitize before and after riding.
Temperature screening on arrival and recording of these details on your indemnity form is required for all persons entering the property.
Riding helmets are compulsory for safety but they will be sprayed down with sanitizer before and after rides, and we have disposable hair nets available to wear under your helmet.
Saddles and reins will be wiped down with santiser before and after use. All tack will be cleaned daily after use.
Please respect social distancing and keep 2m apart from others on foot or on horseback.
We will not be providing water and refreshments during this time. Please pack your own water bottle for refreshment after your ride.
Please shower and wash your clothes separately immediately on returning back home.
Should you experience any symptoms within 2 weeks of visiting, please inform us.